dimecres, d’octubre 2

5- Colours-Primary- secondary and tertiary colors,

Primary, secondary and tertiary colors

2) Now try to understand more


Blue, Red and Yellow, are known as ‘Primary’ for the sole reason that they cannot be produced by a mixture or a combination of any other colors. In the color wheel the Primary Colors are indicated by a capital letter ‘P’.

From the 3 primary colors we can create 3 Secondary Colors with a mixture of any 2 primary colors. They are Orange obtained by a mixture of equal quantities of Red and Yellow, Green derived from a mixture of Yellow and Blue and Violet which is the resultant mixture of Blue with Red. The secondary colors are indicated by a 'S'.

We can further create 6 more colors known as Tertiary Colors which are obtained from mixtures of Primary and Secondary colors. For example we get Red-Violet, Red-Orange, Blue-Green, Blue-Violet, Yellow-Green and Yellow-Orange colors. Again in the color wheel the tertiary colors are indicated by the capital letter, 'T'.

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